This past weekend we went up to the winery we frequent and know the owners in Warwick, NY. After about 6 hours of hanging out in the sun, my eyes had the all-too-familiar sensation of an allergy attack. Within a few short minutes, they were burning and I could barely see. I did the usual stuff: splashed water on my face, in my eyes, dunked my head underwater, etc. By that night BOTH of my eyes were red and puffy. (Oh, didn't I mention? I have already been taking Zyrtec for almost 3 days at this point). The next morning, I can barely open my eyes, they are almost completely crusted over, and I look like I have been crying for 18 hours straight.
So I go to the pharmacy for some eye drops to alleviate the itching that makes me want to scour away my eyeballs with a cheese grater. I found two bottles, one is ClearEyes, and the other is Visene. Both of them claim to reduce itching from allergy symptoms but have different active ingredients. So I wait in line to talk to the pharmacist to get her opinion on which is a better product. (That is why they are there, isn't it?) I tell her my tale of woe, and this is the summation of the conversation:
Me: Hello, I have had an allergy attack and now my eyes are itchy. I want to use eye drops to help the itching stop. Can you tell me which of these two products are better?
Her: Lets see... They are both basically the same.
Me: Yes, but they have different active ingredients. One is Tetra-something or other, and the other has Hydrocortiza something. What is the difference in the active ingredients?
Her: Well, one has glycerin which is also an ingredient used for lubrication. But they will both help.
*** She is blankly staring at me ***
Me: But if they both do the same thing, why aren't the ingredients the same?
Her: I don't see the difference between them.
I realized that if I don't leave, my head will implode from her lack of pharmaceutical knowledge. I thought I was being clever, by asking a trained professional on the chemical differences between similar products. The end result? Stupidity that makes me angry. Now I am angry AND my eyes still itch. I know they both would have worked, but the question was "why are they different". The answer I got was "I don't know why you think they are different".
That really annoys me. I expect people who are doing their jobs to, well, DO THEIR JOBS! If you have a job, and you are even slightly trained, you should know more about it than someone who isn't, right?!? If I had a nickel for every time this makes me mad....