Thursday, March 27, 2008

The deadly flu

For years I have resisted the flu vaccine. I always believed that it is not worth the hype to get a vaccine that may or may NOT prevent you from getting a specific strain of the flu. With my luck, I would get the vaccine and get the flu that year. So in order to avoid frustration and disappointment in the system, I never got the shot... and last week I got the flu.

For those of you who have never had the full blown flu, let me be the first to say, it is not a picnic. When my fever was at 103.5, I thought I was going to die. Advil every 4 hours kept it below 102 from that point forward and in a few days the symptoms subsided and I started to feel better. Here is the kicker though:

It has been 2 days since I had the flu, and simple tasks such as stairs wipe me out. The road to recovery is long I assume and not as simple as it was when I was younger.