Monday, May 11, 2009

School and Riding, everything conflicting, and keeping balance.

As it appears, my constant battle in life is simply the use of my time. School has now completed the second semester, and with 3 whole weeks until it starts up again, I will be taking a new strategy. Riding. So far, my weekends consist of 20-30 miles per weekend on the bike. I am hoping to extend that this coming weekend to 40 or 50 miles. D is working at a winery in Warwick, so I am going up there with her, but instead of sitting around, drinking wine and eating cheese all day (which isn't a bad concept by any means) I will be bringing my bike for a long trek through the country.

In the past, when I have had some respite from class, I have sat my ass on the couch, watched TV, or played video games. Occasionally I would break out the camera, or even take on a house project. Now that the weather is finally nice though, it is time to bike. I am also considering biking to and from the train station, which is about 9 miles one way. This would be a great thing, except that I would have to get up earlier and get home later. It is the idea of how much time it takes that makes me hesitant. I will probably try it for a week and see how it goes.

More updates as they come in...

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