It is odd to think about how much I am trying to be "prepared" for the program at Pace. When going to school online, it is fairly easy. Supplies include a laptop, an Internet connection, and a comfortable place to sit. Now I am worried about having a reliable bag for my laptop so I just bought a great bag at "
Village Tannery" on Bleeker St. in Greenwich village. It was hugely expensive, but the reviews of that place phenomenal. They have been there for somewhere over 20 years, and everyone who bought a bag from them is 100% satisfied.
One review is a woman's blog who bought a bag, and travelled with it for 11 years. After that time, it was looking a little rough, so she brought it back and they more or less rebuilt the bag for free. The bag is 100% handcrafted leather that will withstand about any amount of abuse I could dish out.
On other news, I have recently discovered why everyone says "guitar hero" and "rock band" are so much fun. I was at a friends house over the weekend, (drinking of course) and they were playing "Rock Band". After a few minutes and drinks, I joined in. The hilarity ensued for the next 4 hours, with all of us having the greatest time. If you haven't played it, even if you don't like video games, it is really a lot of fun.
1 comment:
I didn't even know you knew how to get to the Village. Nice bag!
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